No Impact Man often comments on materialism as it exists in a 'use and throw away' society. He references a blog commentor's post - "How we treat the creation reveals how we feel about the creator."
Ideally, all products would have a longer lifespan and technological devices would be upgradeable. This is not the case. But which products are more harmful to the environment, the plastic packaging that almost all our food comes in or our personal devices, like phones, GPS, etc.? Should we not buy new toys like the iPhone? But what if the iPhone reduces our paper consumption?
These questions are not easy to answer.
The new Radiohead album (In Rainbows) was remixed by Amplive and believe it or not there was some hoopla regarding copyright etc. etc. On my first listen, though interested, I was not overly impressed. Sounds like something I might have liked way back in '03. Check it out.