This image is from NYC Mayor's Office - the approved plan is 60th St. not 86th St.
The New York Times released this article on congestion pricing yesterday. New York City has passed the plan and now it is going to Albany where new Governor Patterson supports it but may receive some resistance from the state senate. The plan has to adhere to a time-line in order to be eligible for federal funding.The concept seems to make sense - limit the amount of unnecessary auto trips on Manhattan streets aiming to reduce oil consumption, improve public health, and clear our streets up for more bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The funds can be used to improve public transportation.
Implementation is what the issue is. How can you build the infrastructure to support such a concept? And what do you do about small businesses who depend on auto's or truck delivery's for day-to-day operations? How will we move commodities cheaply without trucks? I don't feel like paying more for Manhattan's already overpriced goods.