Phish is offering free downloads of mp3's of their first weekend back at the Hampton for the Phish reunion.
New Yorker's Asses Their City in MAP's! From NY Times.
New Yorker's: Take Transit Action NOW!
OK, those are strong words for a headline, and I'll explain, but first, let me beg you to forward this email to every New York State resident you know. If you are a NYS resident, please URGENTLY phone your State Senator (instructions below) in support of the plan--known as the Ravitch plan--to bail out our transit system.
Bloggers, please feel free link to or post this text for your readers. Everyone else who is internet-savvy, please Digg, Stumble or Twitter about it. New York needs your help!
Across the country, citizens are surging into our mass transit systems in the highest numbers in 50 years. This is great news for the planet since a subway ride, on average, causes less than a third of the greenhouse gas emissions of a car ride. It's also great news for the people since it means we can stop spending the average 15 percent of our incomes on running our cars; our city children can stop getting asthma from our exhaust fumes.
The problem is that, in the midst of this surge in ridership, economic conditions mean many of our nation's transit systems are having to cut service and raise fares, forcing the recent converts back to their cars again.
Here in New York, though, the Ravitch plan to avoid service cuts and minimize fare hikes actually has a chance. If you are New York State resident, your support is crucial. Please URGENTLY call your State Senator (see instructions at the bottom of this post).