Lately I've been thinking about serving data myself (b/c of my company's strict IT guidelines) for some web mapping examples to help market potential services and what the best way to do this would be. I run Open Source apps at home (on my mac) and ESRI products at my work station. I have tried to develop a MobileMe/.Mac site with some success but it overruns the ability to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes b/c I don't have access to anything beyond the MobileMe storage structure (I think I can still do this effectively using MobileMe but a general desire to learn more about serving data and learning Ruby has lead me to believe I need my own server access to build a better site and process data). Anyway, I learned of a cheap way to build a server using the Mac Mini. See what its all about here.
Announcement: Portable GIS Version 2 is released! Download it here
The current set of software includes:
- Desktop GIS packages QGIS (with GRASS plugin), uDIG and gvSIG,
- FWTools (GDAL and OGR toolkit)
- XAMPPlite (Apache2/MySQL5/Php5),
- PostgreSQL (version 8.4)/Postgis (version 1.4),
- Mapserver, OpenLayers, Tilecache, Featureserver, and Geoserver web applications.
The packages and menu system are all open source, but each component has a separate license. Some of the components have been altered in order to make them drive-letter independent.
check out the
new GeoServer UI