list = [12345_N1, 12345_B25, 6789_N1, 6789_B25, 6789_B50]
Normally, I would create a temp field and say;
Right([list], 3)
create a temp2 field and select the '_N1' values and calculate that separately with;
Right([list], 2)
and then combine the two things together into one field in a haphazardly but workable way.
Granted, the more complex a statement is, the more chances for error, but once the syntax is set and ingrained in your vocabulary its amazing how much work you'll save in the future. So a more elegant solution to the problem stated above with just one field and one calculation is;
Replace((Right([ID],3)), "_", "") *
So what we are doing here is using the Replace function, which is like;
replace([FIELD_name],"So instead of using [FIELD_name] I'm saying remove these stupid underscores from our selection of the 3 characters from the right side of the field and replace them with "" or nothing."," "
*Replace (see
According to Neocartography, the Replace function "kicks ass" (see