
Geography, GIS, Geospatial, NYC, etc.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Automated Percussion Ensemble Art & LETS GO GIANTS!!!!!

This video is awesome. This guy builds 'player-piano'-like percussion art.

Anyone with youtube blocked at work wont' be able to check this out ( I can't! ) watch it later, its worth it. I found out about it from http://www.ropeadope.com/

And here's an interesting Super Bowl article from ALL POINTS BLOG at Directions Magazine

From Foxboro to Giants Stadium...Giants, Patriots Fans Stuck in the Middle
HBO's sports program hosted by Bob Costas reported that Durham Connecticut is equidistant and therefore the geographic center on the road between Foxboro Stadium, home of the New England Patriots and Giant's Stadium, home of the New York Giants. So, of course, I didn't believe them and went to some of my resources.To start, the distance between the two stadiums as calculated for the quickest route is exactly the same at 209 miles using either Microsoft MapPoint or Google Maps. Just for reference, the straightline, "as the crow flies," distance is about 190 miles.If you add Durham to route calculations for both methods of calculating the fastest route, the distance comes to 225 miles for both MapPoint and Google Maps...that's a good thing, of course if you believe the HBO progam. But clearly, the HBO program wasn't using a route calculation. If you use the quickest route, my calculations puts the center around Westbrook, CT along Route I95.What do come up with?
