
Geography, GIS, Geospatial, NYC, etc.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Satellites Exploding and Maps and Atlases

Satellite Debris Visua-
So we shot down a satellite the other day and now there's all this debris all over the place. The folks at Analytical Graphics, Inc. (image courtesy of their website linked above) decided to model where the debris is winding up. Pretty cool Millhouse, pretty cool.

What's also cool is this sweet band name I found that is playing with the National and Phosphorescent at NYU:

NYU Program Board presents The National with Phosphorescent & Maps and Atlases

Thurs, Feb 28, 2008 at Kimmel Center, 8pm
$8 for NYU students, $10 for public

Maps and Atlases - what a great band name! I'm still not quite sure what math rock is. Here's what Wikipedia has to say:

Math rock is a rhythmically complex, guitar-based style of experimental rock music[1] that emerged in the late 1980s. It is characterized by complex, atypical rhythmic structures (including irregular stopping and starting), angular melodies, and dissonant chords.[2]

A closely-related genre is post-rock, into which some of the same bands are classified; post-rock, though, tends to be characterized by a "jazzier" drumming style.[1]